2 of 9 Keys to Unlocking the Amazing Customer Service Champion In You
Aligning with the organization is crucial in ensuring that your actions align with the company's goals and vision. It is essential to be knowledgeable about the products and services offered and to have a clear understanding of the company's policies and procedures. This forms a crucial part of building your foundation as a successful Customer Service or Technical Support specialist.
When you are aligned with the organization, you are better able to serve customers in a way that is consistent with the company's goals and vision.
How to achieve it?

To achieve alignment with the organization, you must first understand the company's goals and vision. This can be done by reviewing the company's mission statement, attending company meetings, and seeking feedback from superiors. It is also important to have a deep understanding of the company's products and services and to keep up-to-date with any changes or updates.
Jeremiah, a customer service representative attends company meetings and stays up-to-date with any changes or updates. He developed a deep understanding of the company's products and services and was able to provide exceptional customer service that is consistent with the company's goals and vision.

When Maher, an employee in a large retail company, noticed that the company was shifting its focus to e-commerce. He knew he needed to learn new skills to stay relevant in the company, so he took online courses on web design and digital marketing. By aligning with the organization's goals, Maher was able to contribute to the company's success and was recognized with a promotion.

Sarah had been working for a startup for a couple of years and had always been passionate about her job. However, as the company started growing rapidly, Sarah began to feel like she was not aligned with the organization's goals and vision anymore. She started feeling burnt out and unmotivated at work, and her productivity began to suffer.

Sarah then took a step back and evaluated her role in the company. She realized that her technical skills alone were not enough to help the company achieve its goals. She needed to develop a better understanding of the company's customers and their needs.
Sarah took the initiative to attend customer feedback meetings, engage in customer service calls, and even participate in marketing brainstorming sessions. By doing so, she gained a deeper understanding of the company's customers and was able to contribute more effectively to the company's goals and vision.
Over time, Sarah's efforts paid off, and she was recognized as a valuable contributor to the company's success. She was given opportunities to take on new projects that aligned with the company's goals and vision, and her career started to progress at a faster pace.
Studies and statistics tell a story

According to a study by Gallup, employees who are engaged and aligned with their organization are 21% more productive than those who are not. A separate study by Harvard Business Review found that companies with highly engaged employees had a 21% increase in profitability. In a case study by Forbes, a software company increased revenue by 35% by aligning its employees with the organization's goals and values. These statistics highlight the importance of employee alignment in achieving business success.
"...a software company increased revenue by 35% by aligning its employees with the organization's goals and values.."
Tips for employees
To align with the organization, an employee should:
Understand the company's values, goals, and objectives
Attend company meetings and read company literature
Seek feedback from colleagues and supervisors
Develop a growth mindset and be open to learning new skills
Stay informed about industry trends and changes
Activity #2: Aligning with the Organization - Your Beacon
This activity is to bring comfort and confirmation to the direction you are going as a part of the organization. This builds an advantage for you in the talent pool as you will be capable of verifying your tasks, intentions, actions, and reactions to every situation.
You will be guided below with step-by-step instructions to start off your habit of aligning to the bigger goals-- your organizational goals. We will use a tool (available for download in .doc and .xls formats, whichever suits you and the device you are using).
1. Use the activity sheet by downloading the file format that suits you:
02_Aligning_with_the_Organization_Activity.doc for Word version
02_Aligning_with_the_Organization_Activity.xls for Excel version
Test which file format you are comfortable using with your laptop or your mobile or you can also print and write from the printed copy.
2. Identify your organizational goals and core values. You can normally find it on your company's website as a mission statement and/or core value statement, else, ask for a copy from your line manager or your HR manager. Make it as simple as possible, as clear as possible into short phrases or into a word (or two) or a list of words.
3. List down all the tasks and activities you are doing. Write one by one in the Activities/Tasks List Column of the Activity #2 Sheet. Also, identify the activity type like a routine task, project activity, internal initiative, etc. You can categorize it as you wish. The idea is for you to identify the initiator or driver of the activity/task.
See this example:

4. Evaluate each activity/task on how it contributes to the organizational goals and identify the goal. Write it in the 3rd column of the sheet.
5. Evaluate each activity/task on how you perform it to contribute to the organizational goals or core values and identify the goal and/or value. Write it in the 3rd column of the sheet.
If you cannot find a relation between the activity/task to the organizational goal, mission, or core values, IT IS FINE.
See this example:

6. For activities/tasks you cannot relate to the goals, mission, and values, sit on it and think of ways (or ask ChatGPT !) how you can perform "your" task to contribute to one or more of the organizational goals, mission, or core values. Write it in the 4th column, "How can you align" column of the sheet.
See this example:

7. Fill in the last column, Your Satisfaction column. This is to know the difference in how you feel before doing the exercise (before knowing the connections of your tasks and the company goals) and after adjusting your way of doing the work to connect and contribute to the company goals, mission, and core values.

8. Revisit, review, and update this sheet every two weeks. Observe how you progress.
9. If you see improvement in the way you feel, celebrate this win and keep trusting your skills.
By completing this exercise, you can assess, verify, and confirm your tasks and activities on how they align with the organizational goals, mission, and core values. It provides you with a unique advantage in the talent pool for being able to adapt, align, and contribute to the organization. By following the framework, you will always be on the right path and direction to becoming not only a successful Customer Service or Technical Support specialist but a future leader of your organization.
Aligning with the Organization is the foundation of professional growth and development, making it our second key in Building the Foundation of an Amazing Customer Service Champion In You. It is the process of becoming aligned with the company's goals, mission, and core values through the tasks and activities you perform.
Congratulations on reaching this part! Master this exercise. Once you are ready, proceed to the next Key. We are glad to be with you and support you in your journey. Please feel free to share your view and experience with this guide in the comment section. Thank you! If you have specific questions, please send us an email so we can arrange a call: support@quip-solutions.com